Integrative Services 

Using Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) Techniques

  • Acupuncture

    Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese form of energy healing that has been used to successfully treat a variety of chronic or painful conditions and geriatric ailments for thousands of years. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body. This works along with the central nervous system and the ancient Chinese concept of “Qi” to stimulate points and redirect the energy. This releases stagnation and can help alleviate pain as well as treat other ailments. Acupuncture has been proven to work along with Western medicine and treatment plans as well, as it can replace parts or even all of those plans. Acupuncture, along with herbal therapy and food therapies, reduces the use of Western medications, helping to alleviate the risk of long term side effects from those medicines. Occasionally, it can replace standard treatment plans, forgoing the need for surgery or invasive and expensive procedures.

  • Food Therapy

    Food therapy is the art and science of using selected food ingredients to feed each individual based upon their inborn tendencies, age, species, geographical location, personality, and current disharmony or disease. My goal is to treat or prevent illness and maintain health in your pet by formulating recipes using specific ingredients of various flavors and energies to formulate balanced home-cooked meals for your pet(s). Recipes tailored to individual patients improve pet health on a regular basis, prevent climate-related and seasonal problems, and directly treat clinical conditions including skin issues, autoimmune diseases, and immunodeficiencies. Food therapy is complementary to integrative and western medicine treatments of diseases such as ear infections, urinary crystals and stones, UTI, inflammatory bowel disease, congestive heart failure, cancer, kidney failure, and liver failure.

  • Massage

    Tui-na (manual therapy) involves the use of various massage techniques applied to acupuncture points and meridians, as well as special limb-stretching movements, to prevent and treat disease. These techniques can treat painful musculoskeletal conditions, including arthritis, disc problems such as IVDD, peripheral nerve paralysis, general wasting/weakness, and internal medicine diseases involving organ dysfunction. Geriatric and pediatric patients are especially good candidates for Tui~na due to its gentle application. Tui~na can be used effectively as a stand alone treatment for soft tissue injury, pain management, and anxiety. It can also enhance the effects of acupuncture and herbal medicine for a variety of chronic illnesses. I teach all of our clients Tui~na techniques at each visit to enhance the human-animal bond. It’s fun and therapeutic for the pet parent and the pet.

  • Herbal Therapy

    Imagine herbal medicine as your pet's daily dose of acupuncture. I select herbal formulas to support your pet’s diagnosis. Herbal treatments tend to be gentler than conventional medications, work with minimal side effects, and work in a way that supports the restoration of health and balance of the body. I often recommend herbs in combination with changes in diet and lifestyle, as well as acupuncture, to improve overall benefits. The herbal formulas I prescribe are primarily sourced from Jing Tang Herbal, which manufactures its products in the United States and adheres to the FDA cGMP regulations on dietary supplements. The herbal formulas are created by the company’s founder, Dr. Xie, a veterinarian and third-generation Chinese herbalist. Dr. Xie also founded Chi University where I did my TCVM training.

Common Conditions for Integrative Treatments

  • An abstract outline icon with a starburst contained within a circle shape.


    IVDD (Paresis/Paralysis)

  • An abstract outline icon with diagonal lines within a circle shape.


    Acute pain
    Chronic conditions

  • An abstract outline icon with a rainbow-shaped pattern within a circle shape.


    Allergic dermatitis
    Ear infections
    Inflammatory bowel disesae

  • An abstract outline icon with geometric and diagonal lines across a circle shape.

    Urinary & Renal

    UTI Crystals Stones
    Kidney Disease

  • An abstract outline icon of a circle sliced into different proportions on the left and right sides, like a pizza.


    Ongoing wellness
    Post surgery
    Quality of life

Wellness Services

Using Conventional Western Veterinary Medicine Treatments

Wellness and Sickness Services

  • An abstract outline icon with a starburst contained within a circle shape.

    Core Vaccines

    Rabies for all pets
    Canine: DHPP, Lepto, Bordetella
    Feline: FVRCP, FeLV

  • An abstract outline icon with diagonal lines within a circle shape.

    Laboratory Testing

    Heartworm testing
    FeLV/FIV testing
    Annual bloodwork

  • An abstract outline icon with geometric and diagonal lines across a circle shape.

    Minor Sicknesses

    Skin & Eye issues
    Urinary issues

  • An abstract outline icon with a rainbow-shaped pattern within a circle shape.

    Laser Therapy

    A drug-free solution that can non-invasively reduce inflammation, alleviate discomfort, accelerate healing, and enhance tissue repair to help pets lead more active lives with less pain.

  • An abstract outline icon of a circle sliced into different proportions on the left and right sides, like a pizza.

    Happy Visits

    Bring your timid/fearful furry friend in for a happy visit complete with lots of treats and love! FREE SERVICE

My Goals for Your Pet


Frequently asked questions

  • Integrative treatment sessions range from $75–$175. Each treatment is one session, and each session includes acupuncture (dry needles, electroacupuncture, aquapuncture, and/or hemo-acupuncture) and Tui-na. Herbals vary in cost, and are not included in the cost of the alternative treatment session(s). Please see my pricing page for a more detailed menu of my services and offerings.

  • Acupuncture is generally not painful and many pets find it to be a relaxing experience. If your pet has a specific condition you're looking to treat or any concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.

  • Food therapy consults include a complete hands-on TCVM examination, records review, extensive discussion on ingredients, 2 recipes with cooking instructions, and weekly check-ins with recipe “tweaking” based on pet’s taste preferences. After the initial consultation, you can expect that it will take ~ 2 weeks for recipe formation. Most recipes that I generate require you to purchase a vitamin and mineral supplement from BalanceIt.

  • My treatment sessions usually last 1 -1.5 hours. You should expect the first session to be ~ 1.5 hours long due to the initial consult, history taking, review of records, time spent getting your pet comfortable with me, and time needed to perform the treatment. Subsequent treatment sessions usually take no more than 1 hour. I ask that you stay with your pet in the clinic during the entire time to optimize relaxation and minimize stress. In other words, no drop-offs for TCVM treatments.

  • Usually 3-6 treatments are needed 1-2 weeks apart to make a significant improvement in chronic conditions. Acute conditions tend to respond quicker. Once we get your pet’s comfort restored and body balanced, maintenance sessions can be done monthly or quarterly. I usually let the patient tell us what is needed based on their response to decreased treatment frequencies.

Still have questions? Reach out!

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